What Is A Serpentine Belt?
Carage is sometimes asked by our customers in the Jupiter area “what is a serpentine belt”? When asked, one of the skilled auto mechanics on the Carage team will tell our customers that were they to take a look at the underside of their vehicle they would either notice a single belt woven through several pulleys or a system of belts connected to pulleys in front of the vehicle’s engine. When only one belt is present, that belt would be a serpentine belt. The serpentine belt is distinguished from other belts in that it is one continuous belt that connects itself to multiple devices. On older model vehicles, multiple belts were employed to drive the various engine compartment devices. But after the serpentine belt was developed in 1979, the majority of, if not all, vehicle manufacturers began using serpentine belts due to their ease of use and overall efficiency. One of the primary benefits of using a serpentine belt is that in older model vehicles, components such as the alternator, air, and power steering pumps were all connected to belt systems and if one belt broke a vehicle’s owner might not be aware of losing the operation of one component. Alternatively, with a serpentine belt, all the pulleys of the various components are connected meaning a driver will know quickly if the serpentine belt breaks because ALL the components, including power steering, will suffer immediately or completely shut down. If you live in the greater Jupiter area and are having a problem with your serpentine belt and want the advice of a qualified and skilled auto repair specialist please contact Carage!