Isn’t Halloween one of the most fun events of the entire year? We think so! Here are some hauntingly good things you can do in October!

Dress up Your Car Trunk

We don’t know when this became a thing, but people have been dressing up their trunks. Some common themes are Finding Nemo, Wizard of Oz, and Alice in Wonderland. All you need are an active imagination and a local dollar store, where you can use balloons, cardboard, paint, and glitter! Don’t forget a bucket of candy for the kids!

Trunk or Treat!

While we’re on the topic of dressing up your trunk, trunk or treat is something that lots of schools now sponsor. Kids can go someplace safe and go from trunk to trunk in their costumes getting candy from each trunk. These events are held not only at schools, but at community centers and churches–anywhere safe for the kids.

Outfit Your Car

Now, of course, anything you can do to your trunk can also be done to the entire car. One of the simplest things to do is get a huge sheet and cut out two eye holes, and you’re done! Seems a little lazy, but then who hasn’t been a ghost themselves for Halloween? For just a little more effort, you could put a skeleton in your car, or go the cute route and put bunny ears on the roof and eyelashes above the headlights. Or how about covering your car with spider webs and a giant spider on the roof?

Coordinate Your Costumes with Your Car

Now this one is a favorite of course but requires a little more work. If your family has a theme, for instance, Disney characters, you can dress up your car to match that theme. How about everyone dressing up as pirates and turning your car into a pirate ship? And you could have chocolate money (doubloons) for all the kiddos!

Pick Up Truck 

If you have a pickup truck, you can do all sorts of things. One favorite is a truck bed graveyard. You can use dirt and dry leaves for the bed. You’ll need enough dirt to prop up tombstones, crosses, and skeletons you put in there. Of course, you’ll need scary candy to match!

Is Your Car Making Scary Noises?

Have those scary noises checked out by bringing it to Foreign Affairs Auto for service to ensure your car is running smoothly before you go trunk-or-treating! Our 31-point inspection will give you peace of mind. Have a wonderful Halloween in the West Palm Beach area, and an excellent service experience with us. Give us a call or schedule an appointment online. We’ll be here for you.

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